#MakerMonday: Interview with M.A.DtheMaker โ€” Toy Bacon

#MakerMonday: Interview with M.A.DtheMaker

A few days ago, we showcased our collaboration with M.A.DtheMaker, but today, we take a bit more of a deep-dive, and ask a few questions to give you an exclusive look at the man behind the M.A.Dness.

Toy Bacon: What sparked your interest in getting into woodworking?

M.A.DtheMaker: My family used to run a construction business, so I was never far from a power tool growing up. Pops had me on the tools as soon as I was old enough to be on a job site... Haha. Now, with a day job in the data centre world, I found a hands-on creative outlet in woodworking (specifically in relief carvings). Originally, I was just looking to make unique gifts for my friends and family!

#alwaysbeknolling ... @bearcrafted how did I do !? #knolling #shopknolling #letsmakeamessnow

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TB: What's your preferred style of woodwork?

M.A.D: I wouldn't consider woodcarving a "traditional" style of woodworking - or at least the way I do it! I know lots of folks who make the real stuff. They use old (and new) school techniques to handcraft benches, coffee tables, and other furniture. That's definitely my preferred style but I'm not there yet. If I've learned anything working with wood, pushing your skills is an incremental process. 

TB: What makes your work unique?

M.A.D: Without a doubt, it's the fact that almost all my pieces are made from one solid piece of wood - No separate glued together pieces. I've been told by many that I'm crazy because one mistake with my cuts and I'm basically starting from ground zero. Haha. It's just so rewarding and fun to transform a single flat pine panel into something that people can get excited about and appreciate. I love it!

I sometimes incorporate electronics into my work (LEDs, raspberry pi, arduinos etc). On occasion, I'll make something that isn't a carving. This was part of branding myself a 'Maker' instead of a woodworker. I would love to incorporate metals into my work, and eventually take on some furniture builds (tools and materials are expensive, lol!)

TB: How did you come up with your brand/alias?

M.A.D: M.A.D = my initials

TB: What inspires you to continue creating?

M.A.D: Since sharing my work online and building a brand, I've found a vibrant instagram woodworking community with others who support my work, share theirs, and just know how to have fun! (cc: #scrapwoodfreethrowchallenge ) . In this online community, I've managed to connect with members closer to home in Ontario. We trade tips and tricks in our group chat, organize meetups - now I consider these folks my friends! It's been the most unexpected and pleasant part of what keeps me inspired. Bringing my talents online and starting a brand has been an amazing adventure into social marketing, networking, and the art of the side hustle - I never want it to stop!

Be sure to FOLLOW him on Instagram to see the master at work!