Toy Bacon is a #SM4SH hit!

Last month, our co-founder Francisco (@kuyakix) attended Get On My Level 2016 as both a competitor in #SM4SH (Super Smash Bros for Wii U) and a vendor in Artist Alley. Between matches, he had the pleasure of meeting Kelsy Medeiros (@SuperGirlKels), one of the Top Sonic players in #SM4SH from Montreal, Quebec. She loved our work so much, she picked up one of our "Retro Rivals" prints below.

Kelsy actually got it laminated and mounted for her studio, but we never imagined she'd sign it and also have it signed by Elliot "Ally" Bastien Carroza-Oyarce (@AllyOrNotAlly), arguably the best Mario #SM4SH player. Ally actually went on to win #SM4SH Get On My Level, 3-2 over long-time rival Gonzalo "ZeRo" Barrios (@TSMZeRo), a Diddy/Sheik main from from Chile, now based in Los Angeles, California.

How cool is that?! Keitaro (@KeitaroTime), Video Production Specialist for @clgaming, Co-creator of Rush Hour Smash, also chimed in with interest.

Thanks again to Kelsy for sharing this! We love hearing stories about our customers and how our art relates to them and where it ends up.

Do you have a cool story to share? Let us know in the comments below.